Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Birthday, Matthew!

Happy Birthday, Matthew!! Five years old today. What a sweet boy you are. I love you very much!
Matthew wanted a red Jet cake for his birthday. I found a picture and description on the internet that I copied. But I didn't know the red food coloring makes frosting taste bitter. Even though Matthew asked for chocolate cake he ended up not liking the cake at all because of the cake and frosting flavor. Oh well, he was still pretty excited that he got a plane cake.

Matthew "patiently" waiting for his presents.

Cool, books!

Really cool, a flying helicopter.

Really, really cool, a bike!

Matthew's Song

When Matthew was 9 months old I took a trip back to Maine to see my parents. On the way we had a lay over in one of the airports and I started making up a song to sing to him when he got cranky. I still sing it to him once in a while and recently he wanted to make up more words. This is what we have so far.

Matthew's Song:
Oh my darling Matthew,
Oh my darling Matthew,
What have you to say to me?

Tell me about the sun rise,
tell me about the moon rise,
tell me about the stars in the sky.

Oh my darling Matthew,
Oh my darling Matthew,
What have you to say to me?

Tell me about the snowflakes,
tell me the path the stream takes,
tumbling from mountains high.

Oh my darling Matthew,
Oh my darling Matthew,
What have you to say to me?

Tell me about the rainbow,
tell me about the deep hole,
in the ocean blue and wide.

I've been rocking him at bedtime and we've been making up more lines. We'll have to see where it goes next.

Trinity Pre-school Christmas Program

Wednesday, December 17, 2008 - Matthew had his Christmas program for his preschool class. He had his very own line to say. He wouldn't practice it at home and was making a stink about going to his program, but once he got there he did a great job.

We were so proud of him!
He was singing "be near me Lord Jesus, I ask thee to stay. Close by me forever and love me I pray".

Tyler was telling all the kids to be quiet.

I was trying to get a nice picture in their matching sweaters from Grandma, but they were tired of sitting still.

My Little Angel

We have four elderly households in our neighborhood who we are trying to keep tabs on this winter when it snows. Matthew was excited to go help shovel snow from their walks and driveways with Daddy. When he got bored he decided it was time for a snow angel.

VRCC Christmas Party

The VRCC Christmas Party was at the Wellshire this year. We had fun at the CVES table.
Tammi and Louise - the cohorts in crime.
Matt and Heather won the prize for the most embarrising story. The skirt man.
Sam and Mary - we had a lot of fun chatting with them for the evening.

QRST, Please Don't Throw the Snow at Me!!!

Yay, snow!!! You know there's gonna be trouble when you send two little boys out in the back yard to play in the snow. They managed to be mostly nice to each other with only a little snow in the face. Matthew is really enjoying being outside more now, but Tyler can only take it in little chunks until his hands get cold from snow getting in his mittens.

A Nurturing Moment

Normally my boys are very rough and tumble, preferring Kung Fu and wrestling over anything genteel. We had a rare moment where they decided to care for their dogs wrapped in their favorite blankets. They fed them and put them to bed. Precious!

Of course they couldn't leave out the open mouth food shots.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Family Foto at Foam Factory

December 1, 2008 - We had a night of family fun at Foam Factory - Matthew's favorite place. Tyler is a handful to keep up after, but overall it was a fun evening. I think I beat Steve at the basketball game.

Breakfast on Steroids

December 1, 2008 - The main reason we went to Cherry Creek Mall was to play on the breakfast food. The boys had a lot of fun running jumping and sliding on waffles, bacon, cereal, bananas, strawberries and lots more.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Polar Express

Cherry Creek mall was our destination last Monday after my late night of work. We found a cute little display for Polar Express. Matthew had no interest in Santa. In fact, when he saw Santa in the hall Matthew's response was "Whatever" when the girls in the store pointed him out. What a funny kid!

Hat Trick

If one hat is good, then lots of hats has to be even better. Right?!?!?

Bill's House

After shoveling some snow for the neighbors Bill invited us in for a visit. Matthew was playing a handheld poker game and Tyler was messing around. He is so generous and sweet to the boys.