Monday, January 28, 2008

Wild Adventure

I finished reading Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer and there is one section that I've been mulling over in my mind.

The book is about the life of Chris McCandless who decided to spurn societal norms and follow his own path. He decided after multiple adventures that his path was leading into the Alaskan interior where he wanted to survive off the land near Mt. McKinely. Four months after his mecca trek to "freedom" his decomposed body was found by a moose hunter - he had starved to death.

I don't propose in the least that I understand this man or his quest just from reading a 200 page book written by someone who never actually spoke to Chris McCandles. I will say that I came away with a sense that Chris was running from a sense of loss, but also desperately seeking meaning to life. The fact that he starved to death is tragic, especially considering the nearness of food and help available to him had he been in the possesion of a topographical map. And that, I guess, is my biggest hang-up with his quest. He seemed foolhardy in his belief that he could survive the elements with so little preparation and equipment.

My opinion aside, the section that I've been mulling over is about the adventurous spirit. The excerpt is from a letter written by Chris to his friend Ron.

"...I think you really should make a radical change in your lifestyle and begin to boldly do things which you may previoiusly never have thought of doing or been too hesitant to attempt. So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, all of which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventerous spirit within a man than a secure future. The very basic core of a man's living sprit is his passion for adventure."

My mulling has gone in circles at times.

On the one hand I yearn for adventure again. I miss the spontanaeity afforded to the single life when I could, seemingly whenever I wanted, choose to wash my cares in the mountain stream or loose my worries to the meadow breeze, surrounded only by the beauty of nature and the smell of pines. But, I don't miss the lonliness of those times, for even Chris McCandles wrote in the margin of one of his books "happiness only real when shared."

I also am struck by the last sentence "the very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure". I would argue that the passion for adventure is the pull that God has placed in the heart of every man to know the freedom of a life wrecklessly abandonded to knowing Him and doing His will. Adventure would be wonderful for a time, and I am willingly led into adventure whenever I do get the opportunity, but adventure without relationship and a larger purpose seems shallow.

So I wonder...
Have I become "too conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism" that I am fearful to change the circumstances in my life, to find the missing adventure; or am I wiser and more responsible in my choices?

Am I seeking to be lost in the adventure of knowing God, willing to surrender my own will to the will of the one who loves me unconditionally?

Am I teaching my children to love life to it's fullest - to find the right balance between adventure and responsiblity?

Am I teaching my children healthy communication (something I don't think Chris learned) so they can handle the hard conversations in life?

I think I'll keep mulling.

Monday, January 21, 2008

No Nap - Day 3

Help!!! Matthew just decided out of the blue that he no longer needs a nap. He went from taking two hour naps to NOTHING! It is a struggle to get him to stay in his room for at least an hour and half just so I get a break. I have been so used to him being a really great sleeper for the last four years that this sudden change is throwing me for a bit of a loop. If you have any suggestions I'm all ears!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


"Mommy, let's make a tent!" as he climbed into my bed this morning. He brought his flashlight and said "my flashlight is magic". I asked him what it did. "It turns into an action figure."

"Mommy, I need my morning cup of coffee." (coffee = warmed up rice milk that I froth and add a little sugar). Then while he was sitting at the table drinking his "coffee" he says "I need a newspaper." The funny thing is I rarely drink coffee at home and neither Steve nor I read the paper so I have no idea where he got this.

"There's the moon." Yes, I reply and it's almost full. Then Matthew asks "Does it have cryptonite?" (Always the superhero)

Matthew here's your apple. "I'll eat after I finish my Kung Fu lesson."

Friday, January 18, 2008

What have I been up to??

I've been quiet for a couple weeks as I've been busily organizing and re-evaluating various aspects of my house and heart. The organization comes easy to me, I just don't always take the time to do it the way I want to. This is what I've been up to:

1. I finally cleaned out my storage room so that I could walk in there and access the closets and shelves.
2. I have a pile of baby and maternity stuff to consign at a local shop and the rest was taken to Goodwil (or will be, the back of my car is still waiting to be emptied of another pile).
3. I went through paperwork on my desk and Steve's desk and starting preparing for taxes.
4. I re-organized my stationery - vowing to write more personal notes.
5. Next I'll tackle the boys' closets to see what can be moved around to facilite easier room cleaning. I already got rid of some toys before Christmas and Matthew's birthday.

This is what remains on my list:
1. Research school options for Matthew
2. Research Natural Childbirth Education training courses
3. Clean carpets
4. Finish the process of Estate planning.
5. Repot my house plants

It is good to clean out, both literally and metaphorically. To purge my house, mind, and heart of the excess stuff that gets cluttered there and impedes efficiency and effectiveness. I find it much easier to organize stuff than to face the condition of my heart before God and the areas of my relationships with family and friends that needs work. I look forward to 2008 to see how God will work on all these things to shape my life and the life of my family to honor Him.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

I've gotten three viruses in the last three weeks. I'm tired of being sick! Unfortunately I was sick today, but found the energy to help Matthew make his gingerbread train like I'd promised.

Making Pizza

Matthew loves to help me make pizza. The hard part is getting him to just knead the dough, not eat the dough.

Winter Wonderland

We went for a walk down to the elementary school to play in the snow. The boys hats were made by Grandma H.

Merry Christmas

We had a beautiful white Christmas this year - only the 13th in 106 years. The snow started Monday night and snoed all Christmas Day. Unfortunately I was so busy with the kids that I didn't get any photos of us opening gifts, but I did get a few after.

Matching PJs made by Grandma H.

One of his favorite toys. The robot lights up and talks.