Sunday, July 30, 2006


So a friend told me tonight that she has been commenting on my blog but they never show up - something about moderator verification. I had been getting bogus comments so changed my settings a while back and obviously didn't do it correctly. So...I have changed my settings back and hope that you all will be able to add comments again. It is so much more fun when people respond!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Faith Tested

Well....Steve called me at work today to say that he was "let go" with the option of resigning. We sort of knew something was coming, but think we had convinced ourselves he would still have a job. Steve has been with Children's Hospital for 17 years and in the last 8 years that I have known him has really not been happy. So...while this is scary timing (I'm three weeks away from delivering this baby), I believe that this is a blessing in disguise and a definite message from God that it is time to move on. Steve has a couple other job options that he has been pursuing and has some Electrical contrating work through his Legend Electric business that will keep some money coming in - plus he has a pretty good severence from the hospital. So while I believe that God will provide for us, it is also easy to slip into the "what if..." mode and worry that he won't get another job right away.

In the meantime, I am finding it really hard to give selflessly to my son and spend the time with him that he needs. I know he can sense a big change coming even though he doesn't understand it all and it has been showing up in his behavior. But, it is amazing what some devoted one-on-one time does to his little attitude. I'm just at the point where it isn't comfortable to do much physical playing with him.

I'm just under the three week mark now and hoping I start labor a couple days early. We have a childbirth refresher class this weekend and I have a few more things to get ready, but otherwise the car seat is in the car and I'm ready to go. My last day of work is August 10 so after that I figure it is fair game and would love to have this baby on the oustide instead of poking me on the inside! :-)

Monday, July 17, 2006

Favorite Boys!!

Here is my favorite recent picture. We went up to Echo Lake on Mt. Evans for a picnic. Daddy and son were throwing rocks in the lake.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Terrific Twos

My two year old son is terrific. BUT.....he can try my patience. I was on the phone this evening and was putting dishes away in the kitchen (Daddy wasn't home). I knew I heard something in the living room, but thought it must be harmless because I didn't remember leaving anything in there for him to get in to. My pregnancy amnesia was working overtime and boy was I wrong!!! I came around the corner and found him with a butcher knife in hand about to sink it into the ottoman and a dish full of food strewn over the coffee table and floor. I might not have been quite as mad had I not just spent two hours yesterday on my hands and knees (33 weeks pregnant) cleaning that floor hoping to keep it somewhat under control over the next few weeks. Fortunately for Matthew I stayed very calm and sent him to his room while I cleaned up the mess - after rescuing him before he severed fingers with the knife. How do they know?? When will I learn??? What should I have done for punishment??? How could I have forgotten a knife in the living room??? Yikes! It truly is amazing that children stay alive to make it to adulthood.