Friday, March 28, 2008

The Opposable Mind

A while back I found the following quote on a fellow bloggers website:

"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two
opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the
ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that
things are hopeless yet be determined to make them otherwise."

-F. Scott Fitzgerald

I sent the quote to my boss as it fit a situation at work we were dealing with at the time. Just a few days later the book The Opposable Mind by Roger Martin, in which the above quote was written, showed up on my desk - my very own copy. It wasn't until this past weekend that I got to dive into the book and couldn't put it down.

The subject matter is all about learning a different way to think, titled "Integrative Thinking" by the author. I have found it stimulating and challenging. In business we often have to decide between two options, an either/or scenario. The author says, figure out how to do "and" instead of "or" and the possibilites are much greater.

The author gives some inspiring examples of integrative thinkers and what they have achieved. I think I find this book stimulating because I often find myself in the place of feeling like I am a dichotomy. On the one hand I love being a Mom and want to mother my boys to the best of my ability. Yet, I am pulled to the other side of me that loves a professional career. I am looking for the "AND" between my two sides. For now that means working part-time while my boys are young so I can be with them to shape them and give them a solid start in life. Later, maybe I will have the opportunity to expand my professional career and still care for my family. Or maybe I can do both now.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter

I love Easter - I think it is my favoriate holiday. There is such a feeling of hope and victory around this "holy" day. Spring is around the corner and color is coming back into the landscape very soon. We can start shedding the heavy layers and find our own ways to blossom into this new season. My boys are able to play outside more without having to get on LOTS of clothes and I hear more birds singing.
I also love the music of Easter. We decided to go to Denver First Church of the Nazarene for service and Steve and I were both holding back the tears as we listened to and joined in with great songs like "Via Dolorosa", "He's Alive", "Were it not for Grace", and many more favorites. There was a full choir and orchestra and the joy on so many of their faces mirrored our own. We left feeling refreshed, knowing that God had met us there.

The boys love Easter too. Matthew is starting to understand that the day is about more than just candy, but he sure loves his easter egg hunt. I tried to get some photos before they got messed up, but Tyler got into the water.Matthew was too busy eating jelly beans to care about getting his picture taken!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Time Change

I was dreading this time change and somehow had it in my head that the boys would be up early, like 6 am. I have been pleasantly surprised that 3 out of the last 4 mornings I've gotten to sleep until 8 am because the boys slept that late!!! I LOVE to sleep late in the morning prefering to stay up late instead of having to get up early. So this adjustment period has been like an ice cream sunday for the soul! I like pleasant surprises.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Another Year Gone

With each passing birthday I am more and more aware that the years pass so quickly. There have been birthdays that were significant like turning 21, then 30 then the years of my children's birth. This year wasn't too traumatic and it was actually kind of special since I got to celebrate my birthday with my parents for the first time in 19 years.
Our tradition growing up was that we got to choose our favorite dinner and type of cake we wanted Mom to make. Mom seemed to be eager to continue the tradition when she was here. But, I had gotten in my head that I wanted a fruit tart instead of a traditional birthday cake. I studied one in the Whole Foods bakery case and decided I could make it myself. So, once I get an idea in my brain I'm like a dog on a bone and have to get it done - myself. I put dinner in the crockpot in the morning and finished the fruit tart by the time we were ready to eat. I was quite proud of the final result, although I'll change the filling recipe next time.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Fun Was Had by All!!

Grammie and Grandpa Harriman came to visit this week and we kept busy. We went for a hike, climbed trees, played by the water, did puzzles, Grammie went with Matthew to Preschool, painted a clown face and much more. They left today and I think it was with mixed feelings - sad to go, but glad to get back to some quiet!