Matthew had his first appointment to the dentist last Wednesday. I've been putting off writing about it because I felt like I had failed my son as a Mother. Turns out my little boy has two cavities in his bottom back teeth. I admit that I sometimes forget to have him brush his teeth every night before bed, and that I have been known to give him a snack after he is already in bed because he said he was still hungry. But NO MORE! He has to go back to the pediactric dentist in early July to have the cavities filled and after reading a friends blog on the same topic I am not looking forward to that visit. Fortunately this visit went well so he is not afriad of going back. After this next visit I think that might change.
Oh, and did I mention I got a speeding ticket on the way to his appointment? Matthew started crying after the police officer asked me for my license. I guess I told him one too many times that the police would be mad at us if he didn't buckle his seat belts. What a day!
So the little guy is learning about police and dentists at the same time. That's an awful lot of information, but I hope next week's appointment won't be too bad.
Oh girl, brutal! I'm so sorry. BUT - you haven't failed Matthew as a Mother. Kids get cavities. I'm just sorry you have to go back for the fillings. Afterall, those teeth will fall out! :-(
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