When asked by David Letterman if she was going to take her kids to Disneyworld Julia Roberts' response was "maybe at the age they can remember it. If I'm going to suffer that much I want them to at least have some recollection." And I say I'm right there with you Julia. That's how I feel about the zoo!
Someone asked me if I would take my kids to the zoo this summer. I told them I thought Matthew was probably at an age when he would enjoy it now, but Tyler wouldn't care. Their response was, but wouldn't it be fun? I laughed and said, well yes they would probably have fun, but it would be a LOT of work for me to keep track of both boys so they didin't get attacked by an animal or try to swim with the hippos or any numerous antics I could imagine my sons getting themselves into. So some mid-week day when the temperatures are below 90 I will venture to the zoo and pray that I bring both boys home with me non the worse for the adventure.
1 comment:
Interesting about Julia Roberts ... she did in fact take her kids to Disneyland on Tuesday. Her husband was shooting a commercial and it seems she tagged along with her twins. She seemed to be enjoying herself and not suffering in the least.
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