Monday, January 21, 2008

No Nap - Day 3

Help!!! Matthew just decided out of the blue that he no longer needs a nap. He went from taking two hour naps to NOTHING! It is a struggle to get him to stay in his room for at least an hour and half just so I get a break. I have been so used to him being a really great sleeper for the last four years that this sudden change is throwing me for a bit of a loop. If you have any suggestions I'm all ears!


Anonymous said...

You are lucky that you got 4 yrs. with Mathew still taking a nap! My children stopped by 3yrs old, and Michael is 31/2 and won't take a nap either! They don't want to miss a thing! Beth

Anonymous said...

Does he have the right to do that?!?!?:)

Anonymous said...

Amazing that he still naps. My two oldest quit before two. After that I did't get a break for almost 20 years. lol Grandma Van

Lisa Stucky said...

when shiloh dropped her naps, i used a gate in her doorway to keep her in her room until she was trained to stay in there without it. now she has "rest time" on our bed for 2 hours every afternoon and is great!! Landon is also starting to drop his nap and is in the learning stage ... so I put him on the top bunk and reward him for staying up there for rest time, again usually 2 hours. Good luck - it is a challenging transition. But isn't training always challenging?