Friday, January 18, 2008

What have I been up to??

I've been quiet for a couple weeks as I've been busily organizing and re-evaluating various aspects of my house and heart. The organization comes easy to me, I just don't always take the time to do it the way I want to. This is what I've been up to:

1. I finally cleaned out my storage room so that I could walk in there and access the closets and shelves.
2. I have a pile of baby and maternity stuff to consign at a local shop and the rest was taken to Goodwil (or will be, the back of my car is still waiting to be emptied of another pile).
3. I went through paperwork on my desk and Steve's desk and starting preparing for taxes.
4. I re-organized my stationery - vowing to write more personal notes.
5. Next I'll tackle the boys' closets to see what can be moved around to facilite easier room cleaning. I already got rid of some toys before Christmas and Matthew's birthday.

This is what remains on my list:
1. Research school options for Matthew
2. Research Natural Childbirth Education training courses
3. Clean carpets
4. Finish the process of Estate planning.
5. Repot my house plants

It is good to clean out, both literally and metaphorically. To purge my house, mind, and heart of the excess stuff that gets cluttered there and impedes efficiency and effectiveness. I find it much easier to organize stuff than to face the condition of my heart before God and the areas of my relationships with family and friends that needs work. I look forward to 2008 to see how God will work on all these things to shape my life and the life of my family to honor Him.


Lisa said...

You've used your time wisely, and I know you feel a sense of lightness from it all. Enjoy your uncluttered home.

Anonymous said...

Wow that's great. Maybe when you come visit you can work on mine. Love Grandma Van