Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Dichotomy That is My Child

So.....I was getting ready for work Tuesday morning and was doing great on time. I went to find Matthew to get him dressed for preschool and this is what I found.

The white stuff is a whole box of bisquick that was given to us the day before and I had left on the table. Oh, and I was dressed all in black and somehow managed to keep myself clean while vacuuming up this mess. Needless to say we were 15 minutes late to preschool.

That same day was Matthew's preschool Christmas program at Trinity Lutheran. Guess what he was playing? An Angel!!!! He sure did look cute - what is that saying about looks being deceiving?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, I saw the tape photo first, then the bisquick one, and THEN the angel one - I got a good giggle. Matthew is the coolest!