To be honest, I don't usually get very involved in politics. Partly because I don't like to debate, plus I often have a hard time combating a quick tongued individual to be able to get my point across or feel that I have adequately researched an issue to have a strong opinion. But I guess I've decided to come out of hiding. Plus I have read a few paragraphs in the news lately that I strongly disagree with or couldn't believe how the individual was talking out of both sides of his mouth with no awareness of the contradiction. Here are a couple examples.
The first is from a Yahoo News story:
"Edwards, wearing a purple tie to match Sojourners' signature color, promoted himself as the candidate most committed to the group's mission of fighting poverty. He said he doesn't feel his belief in evolution is inconsistent with his belief in Christ and he doesn't personally feel gays should be married, although as president he wouldn't impose his belief system on the rest of the country." Read the rest of the article.
Do you read what I read??? Why the separation between private and public? Why is this dualism so widely accepted?
The other is from The Washington Post:
"I want a president who believes in empirical fact, whose understanding of spirituality is complete enough to know that faith is "the evidence of things not seen" and who knows that for things that can be seen, the relevant evidence is fact, not belief. I want a president -- and it's amazing that I even have to put this on my wish list -- smart enough to know that Darwin was right." See the rest of the article here.
Darwin was right??? What about Intelligent Design? It is amazing to me how much Darwinism has influenced every element of life.
That's all I dare to put out there for now, but I have a feeling it won't be the last.
Go for it, Joan! The Christian worldview gets mangled more by politicians than actors these days. You're not arguing politics; you're standing up for truth. Thanks!
I must admit, I haven't been exactly "up on the news." Thanks for your post!
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