Monday, June 18, 2007

Distinguishing Truth from Propaganda

I'm tired. Tired of having to be so discerning every second of every day of what I read on the Internet, hear on the radio or see on TV. I'm tired of the American press getting away with saying whatever they want under the guise of "reporting" the news. I'm tired of having to pick out and unravel the social messages in every sitcom and TV drama. Michael Crichton stated it best when he said "the greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda". Where are the people reporting the truth about what is happening in Iraq, the real agenda of the US Senate, the reality check on global warming? Why does finding the other side of the story take so much more work?

I'm thankful for the few places I can go to get a different spin, opinion or facts. One I like is It is a great repository of news articles and commentaries that allow me to draw conclusions with, what feels like, a broader view of the story. Perhaps you'll like it as well.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Joan, that's a great web site. I'm adding it to my favorites. Thanks for this tip.