Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Life is really quite amazing - even more so when, as a Mom, I get a few minutes to just sit and reflect. Of course that only happens late at night when my Husband and two boys are fast asleep in their beds and I am left to roam the beautifully silent house all by myself. It is a delightful time for me, that is until my eyes blur and I can no longer read what I'm typing.

I am amazed by the people, circumstances, or things that are placed in my life through or by which I learn. The amazing part is that each one serves a purpose and rarely am I aware of the reason.

Today though, I was.

What was the reason?

To strengthen my resolve or certainty in what I believe and want to defend or hold on to.

Who were the people?

First there was my children's Pediatrician, then a birth story of a woman I don't know, and then a friend in Germany.

What are those things?

1. Complementary and Alternative Medicine
2. Natural Childbirth (did you know that 30.2% of all births in the US were C-sections in 2005 - by the way, that comment is in no way a reflection on the Moms who had a C-section - it is a much bigger issue with the medical community) see
3. Knowledge of God - through understanding the world around me

But more than that, my resolve is to be more me. (That looks funny in print) To figure out my passion(s) and set some goals that lead to growth and a bigger impact in my world. The problem is time and energy. But when I read or hear about women who make a difference through their lives they always seem to find enough of both to make their dreams a reality. So perhaps I need to dream bigger (or go to bed earlier) so I have more energy to make it to the finish line. We'll see how this all unfolds.


Lisa Stucky said...

Oh girl, I would like nothing more than to sit down with you at Starbucks over a cup of coffee and hear more about what you are thinking. It sounds like some great stuff is going on in your mind and heart. I look forward to being able to get that time with you ... only another month and a half.

Lisa said...

Yeah, it's a tough journey, and I've come to the conclusion that it's supposed to be tough. This is how He grows my faith -- through struggle. Good for you for wanting more in life -- a sign of teachability and a genuine relationship with Jesus.

BTW, thanks for your comment last week. I did finally respond.