There are days when I wish I could go back to bed and start over for another chance. Today is one of those days! I woke up this morning to find that Matthew had gotten into the freezer and retrieved a bag of frozen blueberries. I would have been fine with that if he had just eaten them. Instead, I found them strewn across the kitchen floor. Now you may me thinking, no problem, just clean them up. But, you may not know that the previous owners installed carpet in my kitchen so I have ground in blueberries in my kitchen carpet - not so easy to clean. The rest of the morning went similiar. Tyler pulled a candle stand over on himself, Matthew decided to poop in his pull-up instead of on the toilet, and on and on.
After taking many deep breaths I ending up loosing it and yelled at Matthew to get in the car - we needed to get to the chiropractor. Of course, that meant that he was a demon child at the chiropractor because he was mad at Mommy and let me know about it through his behavior.
Matthew and I agreed that we got a bad start to the day and I asked him what we could do about it. He decided that a cookie would help him feel better. They sure learn early! He apologized for not being very nice to me.
Naptime today meant a few moments to recover and on to cleaning the kitchen floor. Here's hoping that a good nap will change some attitudes!
Oh, girl. Days like that are enough to push anyone over the edge. I feel your pain!
I truly feel your pain, but I must confess I laughed when I read this blog. Hope you can replace the blueberry carpet someday -- why do people put carpet in kitchen anyway?
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