Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Since the month ends tomorrow I figured I'd better add some photos.

Tyler got his "big boy" bed. He is very excited and has only fallen out once! They're so cute when they're sleeping!

We've perfected the art of VanDewater style pizza! Mmmmm pepperoni, mushroom, and olive. The veggie pizza we made that night was even better!

We took a trip up to Foxton Road off Hampden and played around down by the Platte River. We'll have to go again and explore the other side we didn't get to.

I couldn't get a serious picture out of these guys that day!

Me and my boys!

I decided to get a day away by myself and took a drive out I-70 to Central City, then I just kept going. Up 119 to Nederland then out 76 to Estes Park. The mountain picture is of Longs Peak. I was listening to James Harriot's "The Lord God Made Them All" as I drove. Back down through Boulder and I got to Matthew's school just in time to pick him up.

I took the boys back to the same spot over the weekend. We had a blast exploring the old mines and abandoned buildings. I love having exploring buddies.

We tried out the "Amazing Togathering" with Foothills Bible Church at the Corn Maze at Botanic Gardens. Very fun, but we got totally turned around in the corn maze and just went out the same way we went in. :-)

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