Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Birthday, Matthew!

Happy Birthday, Matthew!! Five years old today. What a sweet boy you are. I love you very much!
Matthew wanted a red Jet cake for his birthday. I found a picture and description on the internet that I copied. But I didn't know the red food coloring makes frosting taste bitter. Even though Matthew asked for chocolate cake he ended up not liking the cake at all because of the cake and frosting flavor. Oh well, he was still pretty excited that he got a plane cake.

Matthew "patiently" waiting for his presents.

Cool, books!

Really cool, a flying helicopter.

Really, really cool, a bike!


Lisa Stucky said...

Happy, happy birthday, Matthew! GREAT JOB on the cake too, mom! Five has been fun for us ... hope it is for you too!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Matthew! 5 years, how can that be...I was just holding a newborn yesterday. It has been so fun watching you grow! I am impressed with your cake and got a giggle from your 'first bite' face.
Have a FUN year!
Kym, Reid & Treyton