This past Monday morning I was trying to get a few more minutes of sleep. I got to bed at 3 am after working the late shift - the second week of my schedule change. I was dozing in and out of consciousness when I started hearing sounds from the boys that made me realize that I'd probably better get up. I dragged myself out of bed and headed out to the living room. What I found was this.

Yup, that's powdered sugar on my couch.

The boys were "swimming" around on the floor on their bellies and tracking the powdered sugar all over the house.

I was seeing red and just trying to contain myself so I wouldn't regret anything I said or did in that moment. I quarantined them to the kitchen and started cleaning.
Joan, you´re about ready to write a devotional book for mothers of young children. I hope the cleaning session wasn´t too painful. I wonder what destiny God has for your little ambitious, creative guys.
Oh my goodness!! I can see why you ran a bit late!:) I'll I can do is laugh right now- I know I would not have been laughing had I walked out to that sight in my living room though! These will be great stories later!
Hi, That gives a whole new meaning to "when you snooze you lose" Love Grandma June
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