Friday, February 08, 2008

Anestrophic Anticipation

My good friend Kym sent me this phrase and definition when we were discussing Into the Wild and it really got me to thinking.

Anestrophic Anticipation Definition: No sense of catastrophe. You walk through the valley of the shadow of death and you fear no evil – not because you are fearless but because you have no awareness of what may happen. Quoted from Coming Into the Country by John McPhee

That makes me go Hmmmm. I'll have to think about that for a while. The first question that comes to mind is which is better, to know the the possible threats and have to control your fear or relinquish the fear, or to be niave and remain innocent? Because the dangers may materialize and then again they may not.

How many things do I choose not to do because I do now the possible dangers? Is it better to remain safe and risk free, or should I step out more and just try to be as prepared as I can?

Then I think of my kids - they are constantly in "anestrophic anticipation" and it is my job to point out the possible dangers and protect them from the potential harm. And what about the spiritual world - what does God protect us from that we have no idea of? Wow, that word and definition really set my mind spinning.

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