Today Matthew turned 4!!! We had a great day. This morning we played at "Fat City" for a couple hours. They have a three story foam factory full of multi colored foam balls that can be thrown, shot, sucked up and rained around the room. Matthew had a blast and I think Daddy was a close second. Our little monkey climbed up the lattice ropes, slid head first down the chute slide and vacuumed up as many balls as he could so they could fall from the sky.

Birthday gifts had a creative theme ranging from playdough and paint to the John Deer apron from Grandma and Grandpa.
Matthew was actually so excited about his presents that he opted to wait 'til after dinner for his cake!

We thought this monkey cake was quite appropriate for our very mischievous little man. He enjoyed it as well!
We love you and are so proud of you, Matthew! We are so thankful that God gave you to us as our son. We love to see you learning and growing and can't wait to see who you are growing up to be. Love, Mommy and Daddy