Saturday, October 13, 2007

Uh oh, Walking!!!

Tyler has been very busy of late! He has cut teeth numbers 9 and 10 (lower molars), started walking, and learned to say "uh oh" all in the same week! He took his first unaided steps Sept. 30th and was soooo proud of himself. He has been practicing ever since and started walking in earnest on Friday. I think it helps that there is a little girl in his daycare that started walking last week and he doesn't want to be shown up by a girl!

His vocabulary now includes mommy, dada, uh oh, and ba (translated as bottle). Of course it only takes a good screech to get attention otherwise.

It's so fun to watch them both grow and learn - they are such little sponges.

1 comment:

Lisa Stucky said...

oh my - how did that happen???