I did it!!! I ran my first 5k race this morning.

I was originally signed-up for the James Cooper Memorial race at Chatfield park, but I got an e-mail Thursday night that the race had been cancelled. I couldn't believe it!! They didn't even include any info about why. So, I started searching the interenet to see if there were any other races being held this weekend, September 8 and found one in Golden. The race was described as challanging, but I signed up anyway. The "Golden Gallup" was supporting research for a cure for Pancreatic Cancer. Kind of appropriate since that was what my Grandfather died of many years ago.

My sweet friend Kym and her son Reid came to cheer me on as Steve had another commitment this morning. I really appreciated having them there. The course lived up to its description - challanging. The first 1.5 miles was mostly downhill or flat ground (except for the first 500 uphill ft from the start line). Then the last 1.6 miles was UPHILL!!! I didn't incorporate any hill climbs in my training, so lost a lot

of time, but I still finished the race in 38:51 minutes. For my first 5K I think that is an acceptable time. I can't say I was bitten by the running bug. I'm glad I did it, but I think other types of training are better for me. We'll see.

Way to go, Joan!! Good for you! Dave has another job possibility in Colorado Springs- it is the same one he had interviewed for in May and looks positive. We will find out this coming Wed. I will let you know.
Thanks, Heather! Can't wait to hear what happens on Wed.
You go, girl! I'm sure it felt good to cross that finish line. Wish I could have run it with you!
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