Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Just Doing Life

I decided it was time to end my silence and post a new blog. The lack of posting was simply that life has been all too consuming lately and there hasn't been much of interest to report.

I did get a weekend away at a Women's Retreat in Colorado Springs. The speaker was great, I got a couple hours at Garden of the Gods all by myself, and I got to sleep two full nights without having to get up to check on a child. Each time I called home Steve sounded calm and in control so I was able to really relax - what a treat!!

Otherwise we have still been fighting sickness. I spoke too soon with my last post. Matthew got sick with the same nasty cold Tyler had and also got an ear infection. Then Matthew got the stomach flu, then I got the stomach flu, then Matthew got the stomach flu. Needless to say, we are ready for a break from viruses invading our house.

I finally got sick of my baby fat and got serious about weight loss. I've lost 8 pounds in the last two weeks and am fitting back into some of my pre-baby clothes - it feels great! My birthday present to myself was a double jog stroller. I love being able to go for walks with both boys. Matthew chooses between the school park, yellow park, or green park and off we go. I always encourage him to run on our way back - wears him out and he takes a long nap!!!

Tyler is eating three meals a day at 7 months old. He's a tank! He loves his food and doesn't sleep through the night without all three. He is now eating potato, avacado, squash, peas, cauliflower, and quinoa. Tomorrow we'll try brocolli.

Steve has been doing some side electrical work. He has another 50 hour job coming up. Hopefully we'll get to do some of the re-finishing/re-modeling projects we want to do this summer.

Well....that is the extent of our lives right now. Hopefully we'll have some fun stuff to report soon. We got a flat Stanley in the mail and we need to get him to some interesting places to report back to Vanessa in Maine.


1 comment:

Lisa Stucky said...

I've been checking your blog ... wondering just where you had disappeared to. Being sick is just enough to put anyone out of commission for awhile - bummer.

Glad you have been losing weight! What's your "secret"? Steve and I just started the south beach diet again ... I hope to lose about the same as you.