Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Musings on Literature

I was visiting some other blog sites and found a book recommendation that I am going to pass on. The book, Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity by Nancy Pearcey, is reminiscent of How Should We Then Live?: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture by Francis A. Schaeffer. Francis Schaeffer was a major part of my syllabis for a class I took my Senior year in college titled Christian World View. That class was probably the most memorable of all my college studies. Schaeffer can be very heady and it takes a bit of stick-to-it-ivness (not a word I know, but it works here) to read, but it is well worth the effort. I ordered Total Truth this evening and from the few excerpts I have read I am sure reading her book will be just as rewarding. I'll let you know!

At the suggestion of another fellow blogger, Lisa, I have started reading Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell. My response has been mixed. On the one hand I find his style and questions freeing. For the first time, it seems I have been given permission as a Christian to not have all the answers. He is asking some of the same questions I have pondered and been afraid to ask. At the same time, his questions unhinge me and give me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Because he intimates that we never can have all the answers. I come from a pretty black and white church background. If there is a question, there is an answer and the Bible has it. But I love the fact that Rob Bell's musings point out the fluidity and aliveness of the Bible. Of course it is alive and relevant and full of hope, the author is alive and relevant and full of hope.

Those are my thoughts thus far. Again, I'll let you know.

1 comment:

Lisa Stucky said...

I love Schaeffer's works. I have read all of his stuff.. and have heard of Total Truth. Let me know - maybe I'll pick it up too. Glad to hear you are reading Bell's book. I didn't say it was always easy to stomach - but some good stuff! Enjoy!