Friday, June 09, 2006

Joy in the Journey

I returned Monday from a five day trip to Eastern WA to attend my brother's wedding. It was a very simple, country wedding held in my parent's yard with Bo (Shelley's basset hound) serving as the ring bearer - literally! I was the unofficial photographer and wedding coordinator for the day and was quite comfortable in the roles since I only knew the family members in attendance. Scott and Shelley have been together for 10 years so it seemed a little anti-climatic to go back to their house for the post-reception reception, but it is nice to finally be able to call Shelley my sister-in-law instead of my brother's girlfriend.

It was great to see my family and to continue to try to re-build a relationship with my sister. They all were trying to "sell" me on moving to Eastern WA to live to be close to the rest of the family, but I just can't see myself living so deep in farm country. I have grown very accustomed to the convenience of being 20 minutes from anything I need and still be able to get to the hills and forest in a short drive. They call me a "city girl", which compared to where they all live, is probably true, but I still don't think of myself that way. My spirit is still revived more from a visit to the woods than a visit to the mall.

I returned home exhausted. I never imagined that traveling when 7 months pregnant could be that tiring. Now I will concentrate on the day-to-day chores and getting my to-do list done before the baby comes, but in it all I will look for the Joy in the Journey and enjoy each day for what God has given in abundance.

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