Saturday, May 20, 2006

Summer Pregnancy

So this may sound like a big complain fest, but it really is just facing reality. I am in for a long 13 weeks left in this pregnancy. I know I've said I wanted a summer baby, but I was thinking more like giving birth in May and having the rest of summer to work on getting in shape. God knows the best plan and he chose August so I must find ways to stay cool and not get grumpy. I am so thankful that I am getting the chance to birth another baby, it is just in the process I am not enjoying looking fat when so many women around me are showing off their sleek bodies as the weather gets warm. Here again is the revelation of my struggles (aka, sin) comparison, envy, dissatisfaction with my present circumstances, grumbling and complaining. So instead I will choose to enjoy the last few weeks of one-on-one time that I get to spend with my sweet Matthew and enjoy the kicks of this little one inside me. It will be all too soon that I will be in the middle of sleep depravation and other struggles to overcome.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joan!! thanks for letting me know about your blog- I have been checking it often- it's great to hear your thoughts along this life journey and some of what is going on there in Colorado. It helps us in California feel like we are keeping up with you a bit more. I know all about those summer babies, having two born in August. August is a great time for birthdays, but a terrible time for being nine months pregnant! I will be avoiding that one at all costs with baby #3. Hang in there!
Love, Heather

Joan V said...

Hey Heather,
Thanks for the encouragement! Remind me of the dates of your boy's birthdays. Good luck with #3! I hope you get to give birth in say March and have all summer to get back in shape. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Joan,
March sounds like a great month for baby #3- I'll shoot for that! (Like it's really up to me:) Zachary's bday is aug. 12th and Josh is aug. 29th. So the 12th could work for you, huh?!