Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Learn to Live a Little

Well, here goes nothing. I've decided to enter the world of blogging. Afterall, it might be therapeutic to see my thoughts on the screen and have them out there for the world to view. Being an introvert it is so easy for me to stay in my brain; thinking that everyone around me must know what I'm thinking since I do. I forget that I have to actually open my mouth and say the words or write them down for someone else to read. My poor husband gets this the most and I know it frustrates him since he verbalizes much more of what he's thinking.

What am I hiding from? The judgements and reactions of others!?! Why does it matter? And yet it does. My life long struggle has been to actually live my life out from under the shadow of what others might think of me. So in an effort to stretch and grow I will share my thoughts. Perhaps it is the begining of a new day!


Anonymous said...

Wow---You go Joan! I am impressed. You are stepping out and that is awesome. Congratulations by the way!!!! I did not know you were expecting another boy! Very exciting! I am loving having a boy. Luke will be one next year. Rachel turns 5 in June. Time sure flies by quickly. I was actually thinking of you today as I dropped Rachel off at school wondering if I would see you there and wondering how you are doing.

Take care friend!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joan, it's Julie Blom. Thought I'd let you know I'm out here too. Welcome to the land of bloggers.

Lisa Stucky said...

Joanie, your blog brings a smile to my face! I look forward to reading it! Lisa

Joan V said...

Great to hear from you. I'd love to see a picture of Luke and Rachel if you have one you can send along to
Jeannine's Mom spoke at MOPS tonight and it made me think of you. I'm not doing a Bible study at FBC anymore so probably won't run into you, but am glad to hear you are well.

Joan V said...

Acutally I have to confess that I have been reading your Blog on occastion since there is a link from Lisa's. Sounds like life is an adventure in Texas!

Joan V said...

Thanks for the nudge! Now I just have to follow through!