Wow, how did it happen?? I know, I sound like a typical parent who commiserates about the passing of time, but now I kind of get it. It all happens so fast and before I can stop to remind myself to enjoy all the irritating moments, all the precious ones are gone.
December is truly a busy month with a December birthday. We had a pool party for Matthew at The Link Recreation Center a couple weeks before his birthday and had a great turn out. Ten boys between the ages of 3 and 8!! Thankfully some Moms stayed to help or I would have done many more breathing exercises than I already did! We had to start with the silly face picture so the serious face picture would turn out good. They did awesome!
Lucas, Connor, Jonathan, Matthew, Tyler, Blake, Brendon, Reid, Alex
Connor, Jonathan, Tyler, Matthew, Blake, Reid, Alex, Brendon, Treyton

Happy Birthday my sweet boy! Matthew's favorite color is red. He loves Math and Science, building with leggos, making up games, playing computer games, reading, and playing King Kong with Daddy. His love language is still touch and he is very outgoing. A truly great kid!