Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christmas

It was 55 and sunny on Christmas day without a drop of snow. But the kids didn't care and they couldn't wait to get started.

Sweaters from Grammy H.

Wii Fun! At least they were boxing each other electronically instead of physically!

Science experiments under way.

Off to fight the bad guys with night vision goggles! Notice the swords on their backs.

Christmas Eve Service

Matthew was invited to sing at the Christmas Eve service. He is well known in the childrens program for being able to sing LOUD! In fact, last Christmas his whole class came up to sing in "big church" and he was practically yelling when he was singing. Besides the volume, he does not suffer from stage fright whatsoever which makes him a good addition to a small group! He did a great job and we were so proud of him.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Total Lunar Eclipse

I got the boys up to see the Total Lunar Eclipse on Dec. 21, 2010. Matthew was super excited and Tyler didn't want to be left out. The bummer is that I fell asleep on the couch and got them up after the eclipse had already happened, the moon was already dark and it stayed that way for about 45 minutes, which was about all the boys could handle. Tyler was wanting to go back to bed. Just as we were getting back in the house I could see a sliver of light starting to reappear on the edge of the moon. Oh well, we made a great memory.

Above is what it really looked like and below is what I was able to capture with my camera. It really was orange/brown in color. Kind of eerie.

Tyler - "just get me back in bed, Mom!"

Tyler's Christmas Party

Of course, what are the holidays without a bunch of Christmas parties where my kids can fill up on sugar!?! Truly one of the annoying things about the holidays, but I just have to roll with it and limit what gets brought home. Tyler loves his pre-K class and joined in with all the festivities.

Trinity Christmas Program

Oh, I love my boys. Tyler just melts my heart over and over again. Especially when he is just so adorable. He loves to sing. He bursts into song throughout the day and remembers all the words. I think if he struggles in school I'll just have to come up with a jingle and he'll remember what he's trying to learn. He was very excited to get to his program. He kept asking when we could leave. Sweet, sweet boy.

Trinity Lutheran Early Childhood Learning Center Pre-K Class 2010-2011

Gingerbread Houses

Matthew really wanted me to come watch/help him decorate his gingerbread house just before Christmas break. It was fun to see the creativity of all the kids. I think more of his candy got eaten than ended up on his house, but overall it was a lot of fun.

Matthew Turns "7"

Wow, how did it happen?? I know, I sound like a typical parent who commiserates about the passing of time, but now I kind of get it. It all happens so fast and before I can stop to remind myself to enjoy all the irritating moments, all the precious ones are gone.

December is truly a busy month with a December birthday. We had a pool party for Matthew at The Link Recreation Center a couple weeks before his birthday and had a great turn out. Ten boys between the ages of 3 and 8!! Thankfully some Moms stayed to help or I would have done many more breathing exercises than I already did! We had to start with the silly face picture so the serious face picture would turn out good. They did awesome!

Lucas, Connor, Jonathan, Matthew, Tyler, Blake, Brendon, Reid, Alex

Connor, Jonathan, Tyler, Matthew, Blake, Reid, Alex, Brendon, Treyton

Happy Birthday my sweet boy! Matthew's favorite color is red. He loves Math and Science, building with leggos, making up games, playing computer games, reading, and playing King Kong with Daddy. His love language is still touch and he is very outgoing. A truly great kid!