I know, I know, I haven't been here in a while and there have been no pictures posted of the boys. I've been busy in other areas of cyberspace, reading, playing, crafting, and vegging (is that a word?). So what have we been up to???? More like, what have we not been up to.
May - not so much. Finished up pre-school for Matthew and kept wondering if summer was going to arrive because of such cold and rainy weather.

Matthew attended Connor's Spider Man birthday party.

June also brought Father's Day

And, Matthew's 1/2 birthday.
Then I left for a week for a big trip to Maine, including my 20th High School Reunion. I stayed with the Balser Family and had a great time catching up with old friends and neighbors.
Got to take a tour of the house I grew up in. Lots of changes and I really like what they've done.
Time with Friends (Tricia, Jen, Lori, and Me)

Jen, Me, Marianne, Joy