I haven't really enjoyed being a Mom the last two days. Probably mostly because I'm tired. My precious 4 week old baby boy picked up the sniffles somewhere and has been needing Mommy even more than usual - which causes Matthew to be more clingy and less cooperative because he is jealous of my time with Tyler. So....I get cranky and loose my patience with Matthew and then feel like an awful Mother. The cycle is vicious!
Then there are the things I have to say "no" to - for example:
- No, don't put peanuts in your nose.
- No, you may not write on the entertainment center with the crayons.
- No, you may not bring the bucket of sand in the house.
- No, I can't wrestle with you when I'm holding your brother.
- No, you may not watch another hour of TV - even though I really want to let you because then I don't have to entertain you.
- No, you may not have a popsicle for breakfast.
So typical - yet so tiring to have to be the "mean" Mom all the time.
Then...tonight after getting the boys loaded in the car to go to the Saturday evening service my car wouldn't start - a dead battery. I was so mad!!! I called Steve and even though I didn't say so, my tone of voice implied that he was to blame. Yuk!!! Who am I?!? Where did the nice Joan go?
I want sleep!!! I want two hours of time away with a cup of coffee and a good book!!!